What are LDV Predictions for 2024?

 No one has a crystal ball to predict the future. Our job is tougher because you throw in farming which is so unpredictable. However, here is what to expect at LDV Winery.

  1. Long pruning and final pruning occur within the first 90 days or so preparing the field for bud break.
  2. Maintenance is done on all farm and winery equipment.
  3. First dose of nutrients applied through the irrigation system to ensure the soils are well prepared.
  4. Diligent weather watching continues. Predictions of a Super El Nino this winter have not materialized yet. There are 3 weather scenarios that might impact what we do including: continued dry weather all winter/spring; normal rainy season; or super El Nino hits.
  5. Hopefully, bud break will occur after the last frost, usually late March/early April. It ushers us into the growing season with harvest late August through September.
  6. In the winery, we are bottling 2019 and 2022 wines and releasing new wines this spring.

Curt Dunham, winemaker discusses what to expect in 2024 from LDV Winery in this short video.