How to Plan the Perfect Party?

 Five tips for hosting the perfect party.

  1. Party Type. Determine the type of party. Are you planning an intimate dinner, buffet, or a cocktail party? Different party types and sizes require different planning.
  2. Logistics and Party Flow. Do space planning to see where the food will be, or the bar set up might be located. Determine how guests are going to move through your party space. This is important because it allows guests to mix and mingle if done properly.
  3. Set the Party Tone. Decide the party tone or theme and decorations. Create a music play list that will fit the tone. Decide on the menu and create the grocery list.
  4. Party Prep. Day before begin food preparations, set the tables, and organize flowers. Party morning, chill the wine, set up the bar, and finish food prep. Two hours before guests arrive, light candles, get dressed, turn on music, and pour yourself some champagne.
  5. Breathe. No one knows what you did not get accomplished. Do not tell anyone and just have fun.
For more party tips, Peggy Fiandaca, LDV Owner/General Manager shares more here.